Change and transition impact every aspect of life whether mentally or physically. In our personal lives, we can experience both factors in relationships, similarly in our professional lives, we can experience both facets in our careers. Nonetheless, the only emotion that we can control is our reaction to transition and change. Resistance can make the situation more chaotic, however, if we choose to adjust it can promote wellness which leads to better opportunities.
Change is a constant throughout life, every day is different, so adaptation is essential. Something as simple as driving through traffic on the way to work can change daily but something as complex as the stock market is ever-changing. So how do we utilize change to turn into productivity? Productivity is subjective depending on someone’s job or career in their chosen field but the approach should be the same, to promote positivity and avoid negativity.
Transition can be more complicated depending on the circumstances. It is defined as the process of changing from one condition to another. However, why do people find it so difficult? For example, a person may find it difficult to transition from moving from one city to another or moving from an apartment to purchase a home. Another huge transition is parenthood because oftentimes there is nothing that can truly prepare a person to be a parent. Parenthood takes time, attention, affection, patience, and most importantly love but if the person cannot manage change and transition, the adjustment will become a hardship.
Despite the agony or irony of change and transition, there should be optimism. As a society, we need to embrace change and accept transition because, without it, there is no mental or psychological growth. Meaning once a person learns the ability to navigate through challenges and mitigate risks, human development becomes easier. Conditions may arise that involve immediate attention but preparation and knowledge will allow the person to combat and handle themselves in those stressful settings.
So how do embrace these factors? We can measure then celebrate progress, practice appreciation, seek professional help with therapy, or engage in new experiences. Embracing change and transition is unique to everyone but the goal in every obstacle is to leave figuratively unscathed. Every obstacle can either have a fight or flight response meaning it can either elicit a survival or evasion reply but emblematically, what doesn’t kill us, makes us stronger.
